พนารัตน์ อานามวัฒน์, อ.ดร.

พนารัตน์ อานามวัฒน์

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2020 Ph.D. in Economic and social history, University of Oxford

2016 MPhil in Economic and social history, University of Oxford

2014 B.A. in History with honors summa cum laude, University of Pennsylvania


Research and teaching interests

Economic and social history

Economic development

Women’s history


Selected academic publications

Thailand's economy and the Second World War. Thammasat University Press, 2024.

"Working conditions of women factory workers in industrializing Thailand, 1960–1990s." Labor History. Published online January 2024.

“Youth political participation in Thailand: A social and historical overview" with Sawaros Thanapornsangsuth, International Journal of Sociology, 2023 Vol.53 Issue 2, pp.146-157.

"Youth participation during Thailand’s 2020-2021 political turmoil” with Sawaros Thanapornsangsuth, Asia Pacific Journal of Education. Published online in February 2022.

“Financing Japan’s Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere in Thailand” with Gregg Huff, Financial History Review, 2022 Vol.29 Issue 1, pp.1-28. 

“The economic history of Thailand: Old debates, recent advances, and future prospects” with Jessica Vechbanyongrattana, Asia-Pacific Economic History Review, 2021 Vol.61 Issue 3, pp.342-358.